What problems are you trying to solve?
To provide high-quality elderly day care services, the uAge Day Care Center of Taipei Veterans General Hospital (TVGH) needs to streamline work processes, improve productivity, and keep seniors safe with automation, IoT, and radar technologies.
Why is the problem critically chosen?
The uAge Day Care Center of Taipei Veterans General Hospital (TVGH) hopes to improve work efficiency and assist caregivers with IoT (Internet of Things). The uAge Day Care Center has long been facing challenges of paper-based elderly care operation where the elderly’s physiological data and daycare activity records are collected and kept in a handwritten form. Time-consuming paperwork increases loading for the staff, leading to lower productivity and service quality. Besides, such handwritten records are prone to errors, difficult to keep, and hard to reuse. In addition to operation efficiency, detecting falls is also a critical requirement as falls are one of the top fatal injuries for seniors. The care center needs a fall detection tool that automatically calls for help when accidents happen within the facility. The uAge Day Care Center therefore looks to QOCA apc (daycare) for streamlining their work process, improving care delivery, and keeping seniors safe.
*uAge Day Care Center, VGH: https://www.vghtpe.gov.tw/Index.action
What technologies are applied to solve the problem?
- Flexible networking integration including Wi-Fi and 5G
- Private, secure and scalable cloud computing for medical big data analysis, real-time data synchronization, elderly health management and care collaboration
- Privacy-preserving mmWave fall detection radars.
- Devices for easy and pervasive information access
- Tablets
- Desktop PC
- Integration of medically proven sensors and equipment, including:
- Blood Pressure Meter
- Glucose Monitor
- Thermometer
- With support for:
- Heart Rate Meter
- ECG monitoring device
- SpO2 Meter
- Breathing Peak Flow Meter
- Body Weight Scale
*Devices and medical equipment provided are adjustable to project needs.
Any particular areas of improvement?
By leveraging cloud computing, Internet of Medical Things (IoMT), and next-gen radars provided by Quanta’s QOCA apc (daycare) solution, the uAge Day Care Center is able to provide efficient elderly care services. With connected medical sensors, the seniors’ health measurements are synchronized to a centralized database in real-time to improve work processes and help enhance care documentation and medical data integration. For caregivers, the cloud-powered platform offers flexible access to care information and AI-based task lists for medication, meals, and other daily activities. With regards to care management, the elderly’s health and activity status, care records, and daily and periodic reports can be viewed from a web-based dashboard, with customizable settings for personalized notifications. Built over a secure and scalable private cloud, QOCA apc (daycare) ensures data privacy while enabling automation, improved productivity and care services.
To reinforce the seniors’ safety, next-gen radars with Wi-Fi- and 5G support are installed at accident-prone locations (such as bathrooms) to detect falls, requiring no extra wearable devices. Moreover, it eliminates privacy concerns as it does not use visual information as surveillance cameras do. Upon detecting falls, alerts are sent to the care management system to notify the caregivers for immediate help.
* QOCA apc: http://www.qoca.net/product.php?id=1
What have you learned and how would the technology advancement potentially or practically help?
Elderly care solutions that leverage IoMT and cloud computing help care facilities provide efficient care services to their users. First, support for industry compliance enables QOCA apc (daycare) to easily integrate with standard wireless medical sensors. Secondly, QOCA apc’s artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities allow for advanced analytical applications. For example, by adding visual sensors/cameras, AI-based indoor trajectory tracking and gait analysis are made possible to effectively assist the evaluation of the seniors’ physical and mental health conditions. Lastly, the solution has the potential to deliver additional value through a wide array of applications, including child care and even pet care.
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