What problems are you trying to solve?
Providing better access, better health outcomes, and more sustainable health delivery systems.
Why is the problem critically chosen?
If we do not address these issues we will see declining population health and system costs that cripple provincial and federal economies.
What technologies are applied to solve the problem?
Our portfolio is currently comprised of over 40 different digital solutions to issues as diverse as wound care, mental health, Indigenous health and opioid use- all with the common thread that these are issues that can be addressed through digital solutions developed collaboratively.
Any particular areas of improvement?
There are some jurisdictions starting to show interest eg Saskatchewan and some parts of BC The province of Ontario is also looking at addressing adoption through a lens different from what has been used in the past. There is notable interest internationally from Europe and emerging interest in the ASEAN group.
What have you learned and how would the technology advancement potentially or practically help?
These issues can be addressed easily if there is a willingness to do so and adopt a technology. Having the jurisdictions at the table during development is the most effective way to address this.
Technology at Work
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